CPS Worker 010983 - Weaver, Arthur

CPS Worker 010983 - Weaver, Arthur

Birth year: 1924

Denomination: Mennonite

Original occupation: Student

Drafted from: Goshen , Indiana, United States

Entered CPS: 6 8, 1943

Left CPS: 6 27, 1946


Weaver reported the following incident, which occurred during his time as Assistant Director of camp #123:


"The Superintendent visited a ward without advanced notice and found one of the fellows sitting in a chair.  The patients were in bed and the work was completed for the night.  The CPS man, not knowing who the visitor was, did not rise to his feet when the charge attendant stood up.  The Superintendent ordered the follow to his feet with a command to rise in the presence of his superior officer.  The fellow then explained that in his two months of service . . . he had never been given the opportunity to see or meet “his superior officer” and therefore did not know who his superior officer was.  The scolding that followed was tempered by this fact but the incident was illustrative of the relationship which existed between the Superintendent and the members of the unit throughout the entire history of the unit."


--Taken from Steven J. Taylor, Acts of Conscience: World War II, Mental Institutions, and Religious Objectors. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2009. p184.


Be sure to check out other reflections and stories from this CPS worker as listed under "Other Material."