Reflection from Raymond Sala

Reflection from Raymond Sala

The following is a reflection from Raymond Sala regarding his CO status:


"In my high school class I was the first to be drafted out of a class of about ten other fellows. Later one other classmate went into Civilian Public Service. All others went into military service.

On the day I returned to school after I had taken my physical examination one of my teachers informed the class that I was absent the previous day for my physical examination and now would be assigned to a CO camp. This got a few boos from fellow class members.

After my last class that day I was met by three fellow students. They started by saying 'So you are a yellow belly CO.' Then I was shoved down two flights of stairs, ending up with many bruises. Yes, both physically and psychologically. However, a real growth experience."


--Taken from "Detour...Main Highway": Our CPS Stories. Goshen, IN: College Mennonite Church, 1995. Pp 53-4.