Error message Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 38 of 41 bytes in variable_initialize() (line 1255 of includes/ You are hereHome » Workers Aldrich, Bernard Barton, Harold E. Cooper, William H. Cornell*, Leonard G. Cox, Robert M. Edelstein, Leonard G. Edwards, J. Earle Fenton, Cassius Marvin Gray, Robert W. Hollister, Barrett Holtz, Alwin B. Hungerford, Robert I. Kirk, Morris L. Leavitt, George S. Lord, Charles R. Maier, William M. Marble, Samuel D. Myers, James Newhall, David H Powelson, Stephen V. Read, Charles R. Steer, Philip R. Stoddard, Herbert Stoltzfus, Grant M. Swift, David E. Thorman, Julius George Vogel, Robert S. Westover, J. Huston Wilkinson, Harmon S. Wright, Frank L.