CPS Unit Number 097-01
Camp: 97
Unit ID: 1
Operating agency: MCC
Opened: 5 1943
Closed: 10 1946
Total number of workers who worked in this camp: 18
CPS Camp No. 97, subunit 15, Delaware County New YorkOra Foshee, on farm of C.J. Rost, August 1943, Hobart, N.Y.Digital Image © 2011 Brethren Historical Library and Archives. All Rights Reserved.August 1943
CPS Camp No. 97Civilian Public Service, camp 97, Michigan. Cows in a dairy barn.Box 2, Folder 15. MCC Photographs, Civilian Public Service, 1941-1947. IX-13-2.2. Mennonite Central Committee Photo Archive
CPS Camp No. 97, subunit 4The Dairy Diary was a special publication at Camp 97 which included contributions from the CPS dairy workers.Digital image from American Friends Service Committee: Civilian Public Service Records (DG 002), Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
August 1943
Twenty-two positions were initially approved for the unit. The Dairy Worker of June 23, 1945 listed names of forty men working on farms in the county.
In the early part of the program, CPS Camp No. 31 at Camino, California oversaw the men.
CPS Unit No. 97, subunit 1, located in San Joaquin County, California, was operated by the Mennonite Central Committee.
San Joaquin County, California, United States